Monday 26 October 2009

Rich Indulgent Chocolate Cake

Cake is the answer to all problems. There is nothing that cake can't make you feel better about (except maybe feeling sick from too much cake...but let's not focus on that). And when cake is on the cards, why do it half-heartedly? I baked the most rich, indulgent, and completely over the top chocolate cake this weekend. It was another Hummingbird recipe, like the cupcakes I made a few weeks ago. The sponge is so rich yet not heavy, and the frosting will completely blow you away!! It is creamy, buttery, chocolatey heaven, and teamed with the sponge it's a chocolate hit that really hits the spot!

When freshly baked the sponge was delicious on it's own, add a lashing of frosting which slowly melted with some seeping into the cake, and it was comfort food perfection! Obviously, my impatience got the better of me and I iced the cake slightly too early...but it led to the lovely warm icing bleeding into the sponge, which, whether or not it looks perfect, tastes divine. Obviously we demolished a wedge right away with a cup of tea, and after it had cooled later in the evening I couldn't resist another sneaky slice with a glass of wine - complete and utter heaven!!

This is definitely my absolute favourite sponge recipe. You whisk the dry ingredients and the butter until they resemble a sandy texture, then add the egg and milk to make a batter. So easy, yet so successful. So you go from this...

To this...!!

The cupcakes take about 12 minutes, and the large cake took about 25 minutes - however, my oven is pretty bizarre and I think is hotter than usual, so a normal oven at 180 degrees may take a little longer!

Considering how big the cake was, it was pretty impressive how quickly it disappeared!! Between very few of us, a considerable amount was devoured over the weekend, and I brought some back to Bath for my housemates which went down pretty well, leaving a satisfyingly small wedge at the end of the weekend. If ever there was proof of a delicious cake, it's a plate covered only in crumbs a mere 48 hours after baking!!


  1. oh my god, wish i was there to have it....brilliant. i like it....

  2. How can anyone pass up a blog post with this title? I'll take mine with a big glass of milk!

  3. Oh wow, chocolate cake and red wine, I'm on my way lol!

  4. Hi Becca,

    A most delicious recipe again, thanks for sharing that!

    Luiz @ The London Foodie

  5. Chocolate cake is one of very few things which can fix almost everything :)

    Great recipe.

  6. thanks everyone!! hope you enjoy it!! :-)

  7. Yum-a-licious!!!! Keep 'em coming! xxx

  8. I'm wishing I had a piece of your chocolate heaven right now!

  9. Angeli cooks from mycaribbeanfood:)29 October 2009 at 02:43

    Who said chocolate cake and red wine? Heaven!

  10. Good God, this looks sublime. Do you send out slices by post?

  11. Wow, always partial to a bit of chocolate cake!

  12. Wow....that looks really good. I love chocolate cake. I can have it anytime of the day....yum. I wish I can have a slice now.


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