Monday 25 January 2010

Hummingbird Double Chocolate Cookies

All this snow has done nothing for my waistline. It inspires in me the desire to trudge about in my wellies (a Christmas gift which have become invaluable during the last few weeks, plus, you know, they're really pretty!!), making snow angels and snowmen, kidding myself that this is all 'exercise' then returning to the comfort and cosiness of home to whip a batch of treats, which obviously I deserve as a reward for all my hard work... and what better treat is there than a huge hit of warm, gooey, rich, soft cookies? And to make them even more irresistible, they are an absolute doddle to make. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, stopping you from making these...which brings me back to the old waistline issue. Hey ho, one has to prioritise, and I don't know about you but I prioritise chocolate.

I have searched high and low for the best double chocolate chip cookies. I've bought many recipe books dedicated to cookies, I've trawled the internet, I've asked friends and family...and now, I can put my hand on heart and tell you that I have found the best recipe, and it has been sitting in front of me for months! Once again, I turned to my relatively new friend, the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook. (I think I might be addicted to this book. It seems all I ever make are delicious morsels from it, Cupcakes, Brownies, Cakes... but I promise to find recipes elsewhere from now on, I'm going cold turkey.)

So, one particularly cold weekend after finding untouched snow in Fulham Palace Gardens and promptly making lots of footprints and smiley faces in it, I shook the snow of my wellies and made my way into the kitchen to prepare my reward for all that virtuous exercise. First, melt lots of dark chocolate and butter over a pan of simmering water (I know, it's a good start isn't it?!), and when it's cooled beat in a couple of eggs. Then add flour and baking powder and a pinch of salted if using unsalted butter, and mix until smooth and glossy and utterly irresistible. Then throw in some generously sized chunks of chocolate, any type you want, I used dark again. I'm a firm believer that if you're making chocolate chip cookies, they should really be chocolate chunk cookies, and the chunks should be big so that when you take a bite you get a big old mouthful of gooey chocolatey goodness! Then place in dollops on a greased baking tray.

Then lick the bowl clean (I guarantee you won't be able to resist) while the cookies bake for about 10-15 minutes until they begin to crack on the top. As usual with cookies, I took them out a little early because they continue to cook while they cool, and besides, I love it when they're still squidgy inside.

there really is nothing left to do but to devour greedily while warm with a cup of tea and watch the snow fall outside. Alternatively, if you are lacking the snow, just tuck in! These keep really well in an air tight container too, ours lasted a week until they were all gone - yes, a whole week! - and they were just as squidgy at the end of that week. So I thoroughly recommend these delicious cookies; they're easy and quick to make, completely irresistible, and as is tradition with most Hummingbird recipes, absolutely jam packed with chocolate!!


  1. Lovely gooey choccie cookies. If we get more snow I might make some ;)

  2. These sound really yummy. How about some quantities so I can have a go? Squidgy sounds really good.

  3. Wow...looks very chocolately. Having these with hot chocolate would surely cheer me up in this cold weather. I have to make some.

  4. sure, here's a more detailed recipe:

    50g unsalted butter
    450g dark chocolate (half for melting and half for chunks)
    2 eggs
    170g soft light brown sugar
    85g plain flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp baking powder

    melt the chocolate and butter, allow to cool. beat eggs and sugar and add to the chocolate. sift in flour, salt and baking powder. add chunks, bake at 180 degrees and away you go!

  5. Oh dear! I was given this book for a gift and managed to stash it on the book shelf without looking at for fear of my hips expanding of their own will. Think I may have to cave and actually open the book so I can make these cookies, they look wonderful with the chocolate chunks still melting!

  6. oh, I made this recipe earlier in the year - absolutely great - I don't think they even got to the lukewarm stage, they were just wolfed down immediately as a kind of mushy choccie brownie yum experience!

  7. Hi!
    Tried this recipe twice in the last week :)
    The first time I made them, I didn't have enough dark chocolate in the house, so I made half of the chunks white chocolate (about 112g), and it turned out awesome ;)

    This is honestly, the most deliciously yummy scrummy gooey kind of mushy choccie brownie yum experience I've ever tasted :D Thank you!! xxx

  8. these cookies are buff mouthgasms we love you LEILA luvv sophia and joanna xxxxxx


  10. A friend made these for us and brought them into school- they were so nice so thank you for giving her the experience to make them. you are very talented!! and btw- hi leila :)

  11. Hi. I followed the recipe to a 'T' and mine were VERY thin. They taste okay, but I was very disappointed, as it is a very expensive recipe with all the chocolate.

    My aunt in South Africa also made them and hers were also a disaster.

    Are you sure the amount for the flour is correct? Should it not perhaps be 185g ?



Hi! I love to hear your comments so chat away!!