Thursday 29 November 2012

Back in the Saddle!

Well, this feels odd.

You may have noticed that my last post was in February 2011.



That is outrageous. I'm not exactly sure where the time went, I could have sworn it hasn't been that long since I blogged. Mercifully, it hasn't been that long since I cooked or baked something blog-worthy, but somehow there have not been enough hours in the day to write about those kitchen adventures.

Let me update you on what has happened since February 2011 then; well, firstly I finished my final year at university - I've never been prouder than the day I handed in my dissertation (bound and looking all fancy) after all the tears that went in to it! So, I graduated and was lucky enough to make the permanent move to London. I now live in Putney, and work in Wimbledon. And somehow, whilst focusing on my third year work, then moving to London, then looking for a job, and then getting settled in to the job, this blog just fell by the wayside.

My biggest blog fan, my grandfather, has been most upset by this and hassled me incessantly for the first 6 months about updating the site from 'those damn prawns'! Well, here you go Dacu - a new post for you :-) 

I have recently re-started my Abel & Cole vegetable box delivery, which I thoroughly recommend to any foodie. It's great to receive a medley of different veg each week and be surprised and delighted by the often weird and wonderful produce you receive! It's a great incentive to try new recipes and discover new favourites too, so you can expect plenty of veg focused blog posts...not forgetting plenty of baking posts as well - I am only human after all!  

There have been too many recipes tried and tested over the last 21 months to update, so I'm starting fresh with something I made today; curried parsnip soup - with parsnips from this week's veg box :-)

This is a ludicrously simple recipe which always reminds me of my childhood when my Dad used to whip up a bowl of it in the colder winter months - when, of course, parsnips are at their best.

Really, there is little point in giving quantities or measurements here since it depends all on how many people you are serving, and how spicy you like it. As a guideline though, for one quite spicy serving I used:

200g parsnips (weight when peeled and diced)
1 tsp hot curry powder
1 tblsp olive oil
500ml vegetable stock

Simply peel and dice your parsnips, then toss in a pan with a little olive oil and curry powder to taste. Cover with the stock and simmer until the parsnips are tender, then blend.

I fried up some pancetta pieces and topped the soup off with this which was a nice addition, but you could also finish it with a swirl of yoghurt

Well, that's it from me for today, but I plan to post again sooner than in 21 months' time

Definitely feeling 'back in the saddle' :-) 


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